Terms of Service, Privacy Policy.

Current Version 3.01. Free Trial 14 days full version, for the trial no cc needed. Prices EUR 8.29 / 9.95 monthly. Billing cycle Y/M. For details see your account page.
The breakfastleads.com code has to be copied into the source of your page integrally and without any changes. Only then the tracking will be accurate. If you change the code, BreakfastLeads can't get blamed for any miscountings or errors showing up.

All services provided by BreakfastLeads may be used for lawful purposes only. We do not provide any services to sites containing material in violation of any Federal, State or City law. We do not provide any services to sites generating traffic by any form of spam.

All information BreakfastLeads.com needs in order to register your tracker will be used only for your BreakfastLeads.com Account.

Your Data:
None of your information will be disclosed to anyone without explicit permission.

Tracker Data / Stats:
By using the BreakfastLeads.com code on your site you are able to collect a huge amount of information about your visitors. Nevertheless, out of respect to your visitors, no personal information such as personal names, email addresses etc. are being tracked.

No cookies are being used for our tracking service. We only use cookies to keep you logged in at your account and reports.

You can cancel your subscriptions anytime you want. Just let us know by email or cancel it on your FastSpring Dashboard. After cancelling your subscription will be active until the end of your last paid period.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact us This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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